
gross capital formation meaning in English



  1. Gross capital formation
  2. Note : a ) share of final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation refers to the proportion of the increment of the three components of gdp to the increment of gdp
    注: 1 .贡献率指最终消费和资本形成总额的增量与支出法国内生产总值增量之比。
  3. Then , it points out the barriers in china ' s s - i financial transformation mechanism . transforming efficiency is measured through savings " gap and gross capital formation together
  4. We can see that the transforming is becoming more and more effective according to the gross capital formation from 1991 to 2001 . however , at the same time , we also can find that not all savings are transformed into investments and the transforming is lack of efficiency according to saving " gap which is negative in 9 years during 1991 - 2001
    通过1991 - 2001年我国资本形成构成的分析表明,当前我国储蓄向投资的转化过程是有效的;但在1991 - 2001年的11年间,我国储蓄缺口有9年内呈现负值,储蓄并未能悉数转化为投资,转化却是低效率的。

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  8. gross term
  9. gross misunderstanding
  10. gross gorschen
  11. gross capacity
  12. gross capacity of reservoir
  13. gross cash flow
  14. gross ceiling
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